I had the pleasure of shooting a woman named Judithe. She told me that she wanted something she could use for speaking engagements. She does a lot of work with Africa, more specifically the Democratic Republic of Congo and speaks about her travels often here in the US. She also wanted something to remember the way she looked at this point in her life. Here are our selects from the shoot.

This was the first image she chose. We both really loved it and felt that she looked very approachable in the image.

She was so happy with the session that after picking the first image, she let me choose the rest!

We both liked the way the green shirt looked with her skin tone. The other shirt she brought was a pink one which was a little bright and had a distracting keyhole in the middle of the front of the shirt. Since I was allowed to pick the additional pictures, I told her that we could pick an image with the pink shirt and I could change the color of the shirt so it wasn't as bright and she agreed. She suggested that I use burnt orange as the color for the shirt.

Here is the before and after of the way I changed the shirt to make her the center of the photo instead of the bright shirt.